Research Article

Hexagon-Based Generalized Voronoi Diagrams Generation for Path Planning of Intelligent Agents

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for the hexagon-based Brushfire algorithm.
GenerateRoughBrushfire GVDEdges()
(1)while bfQueueLis ≠ Ø do
(2)  s ⟵ pop(bfQueueList)
(3)  if dists ≠ 0 then
(4)   adjCellList ⟵ Adj6(s)
(5)   sort(adjCellList)
(6)   n ⟵ pop(adjCellList)
(7)   dists = distn + 1
(8)   obsts = obstn
(9)parents = n
(10)   for all aadjCellList do
(11)    if typea ≠ OBST then
(12)     if dista = = MAXDIS then
(13)      if a ∉ bfQueueList then
(14)       obsta = obsts
(15)        insert(bfQueueList, a)
(16) markBrushfire RoughEdge()
markBrushfire RoughGVDEdges()
(17)for all s ∈ allCellList do
(18)  bEdgeCell ⟵ false
(19)  for all n ∈ Adj6(s) do
(20)   if obsts ≠ obstntypes ≠ OBST then
(21)    bEdgeCell ⟵ true
(22)  if bEdgeCell then
(23)   e ⟵ findEdge(s)
(24)   if e = = Ø then
(25)    e ⟵ Edge()
(26)    obste ⟵ obsts
(27)    insertEdge(e)
(28)   insertCell(e, s)
(29)   insertQueue(roughQueue, s, dists)