Research Article

Multiscale Fusion Method for the Enhancement of Low-Light Underwater Images

Figure 5

The first row indicates the fusion images without low-frequency information. From left to right: a1: original image, b1: white balanced image, c1: high-frequency information, d1: weight map of high-frequency information, e1: high-frequency information after gradient field bi-interval equalization, f1: weight map of e1, and g1: the result of multiscale without low-frequency. The second row represents the fusion images with low-frequency information. From left to right: a1: low-frequency information, b1: weight map of a1, c1: high-frequency information, d1: weight map of high-frequency information, e1: high-frequency information after gradient field bi-interval equalization, f1: weight map of e1, and g1: the result of multiscale with low-frequency (since the original image and white balanced image are the same in the first row, they are not listed, resp.).