Research Article

Improving Maneuver Strategy in Air Combat by Alternate Freeze Games with a Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm

Algorithm 2

Alternate freeze game DQN for maneuver guidance agent training in air combats.
(1)Set parameters of both aircrafts
(2)Set simulation parameters
(3)Set the number of training periods and the condition for ending each training period
(4)Set DRL parameters
(5)Set the opponent initialization policy
(6)for period = 1, do
(7)for aircraft = [red, blue] do
(8)  if aircraft = red then
(9)   Set the opponent policy
(10)   Initialize neural networks of red agent
(11)   while Winning rate< do
(12)    Train agent using Algorithm 1
(13)   end while
(14)   Save the well-trained agent, whose maneuver guidance policy is
(15)  else
(16)   if period = then
(17)    break
(18)   else
(19)    Set the opponent policy
(20)    Initialize neural networks of blue agent
(21)    while Winning rate< do
(22)     Train agent using Algorithm 1
(23)   end while
(24)   Save the well-trained agent, whose maneuver guidance policy is
(25)   end if
(26)  end if
(27)end for
(28)end for