Research Article

Predicting Ink Transfer Rate of 3D Additive Printing Using EGBO Optimized Least Squares Support Vector Machine Model

Algorithm 1

Flower pollination strategy.
(1)Objective min or max f(x), x=(x1, x2, ..., xd)
(2)Initialize a population of n flowers/pollen gametes with random solutions
(3)Find the best solutionin the initial population
(4)Define a switch probability
(5)while (t<MaxGeneration)
(6)for i = 1:n (all n flowers in the population)
(7)  If rand<p
(8)   Draw a (d-dimensional) set vector L which obeys a Lèvy distribution
(9)   Global pollination via
(10)  else
(11)   Draw from a uniform distribution in [0, 1]
(12)   Randomly choose j and k among all the solutions
(13)   Do local pollination via
(14)  end if
(15)  Evaluate new solutions
(16)  If new solutions are better, update them in the population
(17)end for
(18) Find the current best solution
(19)end while