Research Article

Effects of Reputation on Daily Deal Promotions: Evidence from Groupon

Table 1

Description of the model variables.


Outcome variable, which is either ln (voucher sales) or a proxy of customer traffic brought in by the deal
Deal price
Percentage price discount of the deal, calculated as 1–(deal price/regular price)
Average consumer rating displayed on Groupon
Average consumer rating displayed on Yelp
Number of reviews displayed on Groupon
Number of reviews displayed on Yelp
Promotion duration, which is the number of days for which the deal is available on Groupon
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the deal is sold out before the promotion ends, and 0 otherwise
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the voucher must be redeemed within 60 days after purchase, and 0 otherwise
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the deal promotion was on a weekday, and 0 otherwise
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the restaurant conducts more than one deal promotions at a time, and 0 otherwise
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the deal is a designated meal, and 0 otherwise
City fixed effects
Normally distributed error term