Research Article

Development of a Method to Measure the Quality of Working Life Using the Improved Metaheuristic Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm

Table 1

Variable normality test results.

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test

Quality of working life
VariablesZSignificance levelTest result
Adequate and fair compensation1.2800.075Normal
Safe and healthy environment1.3550.051Normal
Opportunity for continued growth and security1.2270.098Normal
Work and total life space0.9780.294Normal
Social integration0.9510.327Normal
Development of human capacities1.1880.119Normal
Social relevance0.9880.354Normal

Human resource risks
Knowledge, expertise, and skills1.3070.066Normal
Morality, attitude, and commitment1.3460.054Normal
Physical and mental health1.1070.173Normal
Legal affairs, policy, strategy, and decision making1.5120.061Normal
Organizational culture and atmosphere1.1250,159Normal
Recruitment and employment1.0960.182Normal
Education and development0.7590.613Normal
Performance evaluation0.6560.782Normal
Reward and compensation services1.2520.087Normal