Research Article

A Bus Signal Priority Model at Oversaturated Intersection under Stochastic Demand

Table 1

Nomenclature list.

The set of traffic streams, indexed by m
The set of allowable traffic streams in phase p
Input parametersā€‰
The length of a signal cycle (s)
The set of signal phases, indexed by p
Number of traffic streams in the pth signal phase
The average saturation outflow rate for traffic stream in phase p ()
The total allowable green time ratio due to the lost time
The average number of passengers of nonbus in phase p
The average number of passengers of bus in phase p
The bus conversion factor
The minimum allowable green time in phase p (s)
The maximum allowable green time in phase p (s)
The inflow rate for traffic stream m in signal cycle ()
The nonbus traffic inflow rate for traffic stream m in phase p in signal cycle ()
The bus traffic inflow rate for traffic stream m in phase p in signal cycle ()
The smoothed outflow rate in signal cycle in traffic stream , is affected by ()
Green time ratio in phase p in signal cycle ,
The vehicle queue length of traffic stream at the beginning of signal cycle (veh)