Research Article

Improve Performance by a Fuzzy-Based Dynamic Replication Algorithm in Grid, Cloud, and Fog

Table 1

Comparison of various replica algorithms and considered parameters in replica selection, replica placement, and replica replacement sections.

Replica selectionReplica placementReplica replacement

LFU [17]
LRU [18]
BHR [4]
HRS [2]
MBHR [19]
Fuzzy_Rep [23]
PPRA [27]
RPLB [20]
Method in [21]
Method in [13]
CRP [14]
DRLBS [22]
D2R-IWD [24]

TD: transfer delay, SWL: storage queue workload, SO: search overhead, SS: the storage speed, FP: failure probability, CC: communication capacity, NA: number of accesses to file, LA: last access time, FPO: future file popularity, RAT: remote access time, and FS: file size.