Research Article

A Novel Optimized Graph-Based Transform Watermarking Technique to Address Security Issues in Real-Time Application

Algorithm 2

Hybrid GWO-GA approach for embedding factor.
Input: embedding factor
Output: optimized embedding factor for watermark embedding on alpha value
(1)Initialize parameters a, F, and L and population size N, Pc, and Pm
(2)Initialize current population P
(3)i = 0
(4)While i < imax
(5) {
(6) Find the fitness value of all search agents
(7)   Sα = Best Search agent for embedding factor
    Sβ = 2nd Best Search agent for embedding factor
    Sδ = 3rd Best Search agent for embedding factor
(8) for i = 1 to N
(9)  {
(10)   Update search agent positions given in equation (21).
(11)  }
(12)  Assign P1←P except S
(13)  for i = 1 to N−1
(14)   {
(15)  Get new value of P2 by the selection on new value of P1.
(16)   }
(17)  Assign P←newP2, Sα
(18)  Generate subpopulation Ps using partitioning on P.
(19)  Select the individuals using crossover probability Pc.
(20)  for i = 1 to NPc
(21)   {
(22)  Perform crossover on each search agent by equations (27) and (28).
(23)   }
(24)Generate Sα, Sβ, and Sδ, by equation (29) on mutation probability Pm.
(26)Return Sα.