Research Article

Recursive Identification for Fractional Order Hammerstein Model Based on ADELS

Algorithm 1

(1)Define the objective function ;
(2)Initialize parameters of the Chebyshev map: m and ;
(3)Initialize individuals ;
(4)Evaluate all the individuals in the population by the objective function ;
(5)Initialize the number of iteration k = 1;
(6)While (k < max number of iterations N)
(7)For each individual
(8)Update operators adaptively (equations (13)–(15));
(9)The mutation vector is obtained by mutation (equations (16));
(10)If the generated mutation vector exceeds the boundary, a new mutation vector is generated randomly, until it is within the boundary;
(11)The trial vectors is obtained by equations (7);
(12)The best individuals is obtained by greedy selection (equations (8));
(13)Find the current best according to the local search strategy (equations (17)–(19));
(14)If a new optimal individual is obtained, it will be randomly copied to ten individuals of the next generation population;
(16)k = k + 1;
(17)End while;
(18)Postprocess results and visualization.