Research Article

Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model by Linear Approximation for a Strike Package-to-Target Assignment Problem

Table 2

Notations for the mathematical model.

IndicesDescription sets

Set of strike package types;
Set of weapon types;
Set of target nodes
Set of base and target nodes;
Set of aircraft types;

Value of target i
Probability of survival against enemy threat between nodes i and j
Probability of destroying target i with weapon
Distance between nodes i and j
Flight speed of strike package s
Maximum flight time of strike package type s
Offensive mission time for target i of strike package s
Number of aircraft type k joining in strike package type s
Maximum sorties of aircraft type k
Maximum number of weapons for attacking target i
Amount of loaded weapon on strike package s
Total number of weapons for the air operation
Sufficiently large number (Big-M)

Decision variables
Amount of used weapon for attacking target
Cumulative usage of weapon of strike package at target
Time that strike package arrived at target
Cumulative survival probability until reaching target ;
Decision variable for the subtour elimination constraints (SECs)