Research Article

A Flexible Reinforced Bin Packing Framework with Automatic Slack Selection

Algorithm 3

Improved dictionary search procedure.
Input: for  = 1,…,; ;  = 1, , where ; ; .
(1)Generate Slack .
(2)Step 1:
(3)if 0 then
(4)if =  , go to Step 3.
(6) Find the arrangement of the number of the last item in the temporary item list in the original item list, that is, to find makes .
(9)  ifthen
(10)   , prepare for packing
(11)  end if
(12)  Step 2:
(13)  ifthen
(14)   , go to Step 1.
(15)  else
(16)   ifthen
(17)    go to Step 3
(18)   else
(19)    . Find q makes , go to Step 2.
(20)   end if
(21)  end if
(23)  go to Step 2
(24)end if
(25)end if
(26)Step 3: Place the items in into the Kth bin.