Review Article

Requirement Engineering Challenges in Agile Software Development

Table 2

Reported challenges, their cause, and potential solutions from the literature.

RE challengesResourcesSuggestions

Direct communication with stakeholders[16, 19, 74, 76]Direct communication, surveys, and interviews
Lack of documentation[6, 8, 71, 73]Do some documentation, more consideration, and focus on documentation should be taken
Missing, ambiguous, and conflicting requirements[16, 75]Use more formal ways for specification of requirements to incorporate the missing, ambiguous, and conflicting requirements [87]
Problem of prototyping[68]Avoid much implementation in initial prototyping, use paper prototyping instead of wizard of Oz prototyping
Less preliminary planning, focus, and no initial team involvement[16, 81]Engage and involve all team members of the project from the very beginning such as development team
Less experienced and skilled team[88ā€“90]Train practitioner [89], use supportive tools
Inability of customers in telling user stories[76]Train customer and involve them in decision making process
Tacit knowledge[73]Direct communication, observation, surveys, interviews, and the three factors: domain expert, communication process, and audience will help [40]
Changing requirements[6, 16, 40, 71, 75]Use agile requirement change management readiness model (ARCMRM) [91], adopt 21 progress and success factors of ARCM [92], automated techniques, and tools to manage the requirement issues, i.e., JIRA and RE-KOMBINE [40, 71, 87]
Requirement prioritization[74, 77]Four stages based frame has been proposed [93]
Negligence of nonfunctional requirements[40]Simulation tool NORMATIC for NFRs modeling [67], planning and visualization procedure, [94], NFR elicitation process [95]