Research Article

Factors Affecting Recidivism of Drunk Driving for Car and Motorbike Users

Table 5

Drunk drinking habits, alcohol problems, and treatment of the first-time offenders and recidivists who drive cars and motorbikes.

Basic informationAM
First timeRecidivistsTotalFirst timeRecidivistsTotal
Sample (%)Sample (%)Sample (%)Sample (%)Sample (%)Sample (%)

Frequency of drunk driving0 times128 (65.6)47 (42.7)175 (57.4)266 (68.2)65 (45.5)331 (62.1)
1 time32 (16.4)22 (20)54 (17.7)67 (17.2)27 (18.9)94 (17.6)
2 times12 (6.2)15 (13.6)27 (8.9)22 (5.6)21 (14.7)43 (8.1)
3∼411 (5.6)12 (10.9)23 (7.5)16 (4.1)13 (9.1)29 (5.4)
5∼712 (6.2)14 (12.7)26 (8.5)19 (4.9)17 (11.9)36 (6.8)

Diagnosis of alcohol addictionBefore prohibition4 (2.1)1 (0.9)5 (1.6)3 (0.8)12 (8.4)15 (2.8)
None177 (90.8)95 (86.4)272 (89.2)360 (92.3)107 (74.8)467 (87.6)
After prohibition4 (2.1)4 (3.6)8 (2.6)4 (1)4 (2.8)8 (1.5)
Diagnosed as not addicted to alcohol10 (5.1)10 (9.1)20 (6.6)23 (6)20 (14)43 (8.1)

Treatment for alcohol addictionTreatment before drunk driving1 (0.5)3 (2.7)4 (1.3)2 (0.5)8 (5.6)10 (1.9)
Treatment after drunk driving4 (2.1)3 (2.7)7 (2.3)5 (1.3)5 (3.5)10 (1.9)
No treatment is required190 (97.4)104 (94.6)294 (96.4)383 (98.2)130 (90.9)513 (96.3)

Total195(100)110 (100)305 (100)390 (100)143 (100)533 (100)