Research Article

Evolutionary Multiobjective Site Selection of Xi’an Medical Emergency Material Warehouse Based on Multiple Memetic Directions

Algorithm 1

Algorithm of MMD-MOEA/D.
Require: Population size , Size of neighbors , Crossover probability and mutation probability , Maximum number of iterations
Ensure: A set of Pareto solutions
(1)Uniformly initialize weights
(2)The population is initialized randomly, and the objective function value of the population is calculated according to formula (2)
(3)Normalize the objective function value and the decomposed objective function value
(4)Initialize the external population
(5)For each subproblem , calculate its neighbors
(6)while termination conditions are not met do
(8)  Generation of offspring based on Algorithm 2
(9)  Evaluation of
(10)  Update neighbors based on reference [42]
(11)  Update external population according to
(12)end for
(13)end while