Research Article

Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for the Asymmetric Distance-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem

Algorithm 3

Sequential constructive crossover algorithm.
Input: , Pair of parent chromosomes.
Output: Offspring chromosome.
Generate a random number .
if () then do
  The offspring chromosome contains only “city 1.”
  forto n do
    In each chromosome consider the first “legitimate” (un-visited) city existed after “city p.”
    if no legitimate city is existed in a parent, then
      Examine from starting of the parent and choose the first legitimate city existed after “city p.”
    end if
    Assume that “city α” and “city β” are selected from 1st and 2nd parents, respectively.
    if () then do
      Add “city α” to the offspring chromosome.
      Add “city β” to the offspring chromosome.
    end if
    If after combining the current city,
      Drop the current city and add a dummy depot in the route as the end city of the route.
    end if
    Rename the present city as “city p” and continue.
  end for
end if
Return the offspring chromosome