Research Article

Multimedia Vocal Performance Automation Evaluation Model Based on RBF Network

Table 4

Automated evaluation process of vocal music singing.

Algorithm stepsThe selection of RBF centerThe generalization of the network

1This is mainly divided into it:if(temp ≥ arr[i])break;
2The significance test of :arr(k) = arr[i];
3The regression equation :for(int i = 2∗k; i ≤ len; i ∗ = 2)
4The significance of :for(int i = low; i ≤ high; i++)
5The uniform experimental design:arr(k) = temp;
6Method mainly includes the following steps:while(i ≤ mid)
7We select the test factors :if((i < len)&&(arr[i]<arr[i+1]))
8We determine the factors :for(int i = 0; i ≤ len; i++)
9For uniform design table:void bigsort(int  ∗ arr, int len)
10Secondly, we select the appropriate:int temp = arr[0];
11The validity of the model:arr[0] = arr[len-i];
12By using :arr[len-i] = temp;
13Significance test and other indicators:adjustdownmy(arr,0,len-i-1);