Research Article

Discovering Significant Sequential Patterns in Data Stream by an Efficient Two-Phase Procedure

Algorithm 4

Input: support threshold , test level , and transaction data window W.
Output: values of testing patterns.
(1)n = |W|, P = R = (), total = 0, and number = 0
(2)For each FSSP candidate X do
(3) For n1 = 0 to n do
(4)  L = min(S(X), n1)
(5)  U = max(0, (n1(n  S(X))))
(6)  For s = L to U do
(7)   num = 
(8)   p = PB (X)//by Lemma 3
(9)   total+ = num
(10)   P.add (<X, p, and num>)
(11)  End for
(12) End for
(13)End for
(14)For each FSSP candidate X do
(15)px = PB(X)
(16) For each item Pitem in P do
(17)  If Pitem.p < px then
(18)   number+ = Pitem.num
(19)  End If
(20) End for
(21) value = number/total
(22) R.add (<X, value>)
(23)End For
(24)Return R