Research Article

The Planning and Construction Path of Innovative and Intelligent Park Cities Based on Big Data Technology

Table 1

Overlook corridor control guidance.

ElementsControl requirements

Landscape objectivesMajor landscape targets in the cityThe landmark building forms a coordinated and unified landscape feature with the surrounding area.
Mountain overlook targetThe main mountain overlook landscape targets should maintain their natural landscape features, and the surrounding urban landscape and mountain landscape should form a harmonious and unified landscape feature.
Landmark buildings should be set up to enhance the aesthetics of the mountain, not to be too large, not to overwhelm the audience, not to change the shape of the mountain on a large scale, and not to contradict the humanistic and historical characteristics of the mountain itself.
Waterfront Overlook landscape objectiveThe buildings along the river in the old city pay attention to the coordination with the waterscape to create a high and low staggered landscape appearance on the riverbank, while the new city and the development park pay attention to the reasonable control of buildings, leaving enough open space along the river to create a water-friendly spatial landscape environment.

Viewing pointsMountain overlook viewpointThe overlapping view range of the three mountains can basically overlook the entire Jinzhai Country. Forming the core viewing area of the overlook view. Constructing viewing platforms and creating three main viewing platforms.
Dam viewpointThe view system of the old city of Meishan is built to form a staggered style of mountain architecture.
Waterfront viewpointsFrom the riverfront overlook to the mountain and other landscape nodes, along the space to form a coordinated and unified landscape feature of the whole.

Overlook corridorLandmark buildings or mountains that are quiet with the water system or the road, and the built environment or green landscape along the road should ensure harmony and unity.
Buildings along the area within the view corridor should be lower than the control height to ensure an open view of the landscape.