Research Article

Coevolutionary Framework-Based Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization for Optimal Carbon-Energy Combined Flow of a Power Grid

Table 2

Controllable variables of IEEE-57 and IEEE-300 bus systems.

SystemControllable variables
Reactive compensationTransformer tap

IEEE-57Nodes 18, 25, 53Circuits 4–18, 21–20, 34–32, 39–57, 7–29, 9–55

IEEE-300Nodes 117, 120, 154, 164, 166, 173, 190, 231, 238, 240, 248Circuits 9021–9022, 9002–9024, 9023–9025, 9023–9026, 9007–9071, 9007–9072, 9003–9031, 9003–9032, 9003–9033, 9004–9041, 9004–9042, 9004–9043, 9003–9034, 9003–9035, 9003–9036, 9003–9037, 9003–9038, 213–214, 222-237,227-231, 241–237, 45–46, 73–74, 81–88, 85–99, 86–102, 122–157, 142–175, 145–180, 200–248, 211–212, 223–224, 196–2040, 7003–3, 7061–61, 7166–166, 7024–24, 7001–1, 7130–130, 7011–11, 7023–23, 7049–49, 7139–139, 7012–12