Research Article

Emulsion Droplet Pair Coalescence under a Direct Current Electric Field

Figure 5

Pressure characteristics of the droplet pair approach leading to the process of coalescence in a DC uniform electric field. (a) Pressure contours at different time intervals for uniform sized droplet pair, R/Ro = 1. (b) Pressure contours at different time intervals for nonuniform sized droplet pair, R/Ro = 0.5. Color legend shows the magnitude of the pressure. (c) Effect of the radius ratio, R/Ro, on the pressure difference between the centers of the nonuniform-sized droplet pair during the coalescing process. Here, the time is measured from the instant of the onset of the droplet pair interface coalescence/merger. For (a), (b), and (c), Cae = 0.12, and initial interfacial separation = 0.4 mm. The detailed simulation conditions are ℜ = 107, ℘ = 24.5, and λ = 10−3.