
The slow and fast reduced-order observers and reduced-order observer-based controllers are designed by using the two-stage feedback design technique for slow and fast subsystems. The new designs produce an arbitrary order of accuracy, while the previously known designs produce the accuracy of only where is a small singular perturbation parameter. Several cases of reduced-order observer designs are considered depending on the measured state space variables: only all slow variables are measured, only all fast variables are measured, and some combinations of the slow and fast variables are measured. Since the two-stage methods have been used to overcome the numerical ill-conditioning problem for Cases (III)–(V), they have similar procedures. The numerical ill-conditioning problem is avoided so that independent feedback controllers can be applied to each subsystem. The design allows complete time-scale separation for both the reduced-order observer and controller through the complete and exact decomposition into slow and fast time scales. This method reduces both offline and online computations.

1. Introduction

The presentation in this paper is based on the doctoral dissertation [1]. The fundamental technique used is the two-stage feedback controller design [2, 3]. The full-order observers for singularly perturbed linear systems were considered in [410]. The reduced-order observer for singularly perturbed discrete-time systems has been studied only in two papers [11, 12], both of them producing accuracy of (an is defined by , where is a bounded constant), where is a small singular perturbation parameter. There are no corresponding results reported in the literature for the reduced-order continuous time observers. Since accuracy might not be acceptable, our motivation is to design reduced-order observers for this class of systems with the accuracy of , , where is a bounded constant, which is along the lines of high accuracy techniques for singularly perturbed systems [5]. Note that, for , rapidly.

Consider a singularly perturbed linear system that contains slow and fast modes [6]: where is a small positive singular perturbation parameter that indicates separation of state variables into slow and fast and , and are the system measurements. The problem matrices are constant and of appropriate dimensions. It was assumed that the matrix has full rank equal to . The singularly perturbed system is studied under the following standard assumption [4].

Assumption 1. is nonsingular.

In the following we consider five cases for the reduced-order observer-based controller design for singularly perturbed linear systems depending on combinations of measured states [1].

2. Case I: Controller Design When Only All Slow Variables Are Measured

Consider the linear time invariant singularly perturbed control system [1], in which only slow variables are directly measured:where is the control input. The reduced-order observer for (2) is given by [13]whereThe state estimation of the fast variables is obtained fromso thatThe matrix is chosen to stabilize the reduced-order observer (3); that is,To design this reduced-order observer the following assumption is needed [1].

Assumption 2. The pair is controllable, which is equivalent to the pair being observable, which is equivalent to the requirement that the original system is observable.

In the following, the Chang transformation matrix [4] will be needed:where matrices and satisfy the algebraic equationsThe solutions for and can be obtained using either the fixed-point iterations or Newton method or eigenvector method [5].

Using the separation principle, the observer-based controller design via the two-stage design [2] produces [1]The feedback gain is chosen thus to place slow eigenvalues at the desired locations; that is,The matrix is obtained from the Sylvester algebraic equationwhere The feedback gain is chosen thus to place the fast eigenvalues at the desired locations; that is,To obtain the reduced-order feedback gains and , the following controllability assumption is needed [14].

Assumption 3. The pairs and are controllable.

Based on information from (3), (7), and (10), we present in Figure 1 the block diagram for the reduced-order observer-based controller when only all slow state variables are perfectly measured. In (11) and (14) we have chosen the feedback gains for the eigenvalue assignment problem. However, any feedback gains and can be used to control the system and provide corresponding design requirements.

3. Case II: Controller Design When Only All Fast Variables Are Measured

Consider the linear time invariant singularly perturbed control system [1], when only all fast state variable are directly measured:The reduced-order observer for system (15) is given by [7]whereThe slow state estimation is obtained fromso thatThe matrix is chosen to stabilize the reduced-order observer (16)-(17); that is,The reduced-order observer (16) can be designed under the following assumption [14].

Assumption 4. The pair is controllable, which is equivalent to the pair being observable. It was shown in Appendix that this is equivalent to being observable.

Additional matrices needed in this design can be obtained from (9) and (12)-(13). Using the separation principle, the observer-based controller can be designed via the two-stage design aswhere and are obtained from (11) and (14). The feedback gains and can be obtained under Assumption 3.

In Figure 2, the block diagram for the reduced-order observer-based controller when only all fast variables are perfectly measured is presented.

4. Cases (III)–(V): Controller Design When Some Combinations of Slow and Fast Variables Are Measured

In Case (III), the measurable states are parts of the slow state vector in the singularly perturbed linear system defined in (1), aswhereUse the following partitioning:where dimensions of matrices , and are, respectively, , , and , with corresponding dimension of , , matrices. System (22) with (23)-(24) can be represented aswhereThe reduced-order observer for this case is derived in [1], and it is given bywhereFor the eigenvalue assignment in , we encounter the singularly perturbed structure, so that the two-stage method is applied for a two time-scale problem.

The reduced-order sequential observer configuration obtained using the two-stage method [1] is given bywhere and are obtained from , with defined bywhere where and are matrices that satisfywith matrices defined in (26). The reduced-order observer (29) has a sequential structure. It can be block diagonalized and used in a parallel structure as follows:whereThe original coordinates and and the coordinates and are related viawhere satisfies the algebraic Sylvester equation represented byThe steps used in the sequential and parallel observer design structures are summarized in Figure 3.

We use the parallel observers structure (33) and consider the reduced-order observer-based controller design for singularly perturbed linear systems. Observer (33) is now driven by the system measurements and control inputs; that is,where and can be obtained from asThe control input in the - coordinates is given bywithThe corresponding block diagram for the observer driven controller is presented in Figure 4. This block diagram clearly indicates full parallelism of the slow controller driven by the slow observer and the fast controller driven by the fast observer.

The remaining matrices defined in (29) are given by, , and can be obtained from the following formulas:In Case (IV), the measurable states are parts of the fast state vector in the singularly perturbed linear system defined in (1):whereusing the following partitioning:where dimensions of matrices , , and are, respectively, , , and , with the corresponding dimensions of , matrices. System (43) with (44)-(45) can be represented aswhereThe corresponding reduced-order observer structure is given by [1]whereThe observer gain and matrices and [7] are obtained fromFor the eigenvalue assignment in , we encounter singularly perturbed structure so that the two-stage design is applied to the slow and fast subsystems.

The two-stage method provides the parallel observer [1]. Using the parallel observer we can form the reduced-order observer-based controller given aswhereand and are the solution given asThe coordinates of the original observer (48) and the parallel observer (51) are related via a transformation aswhere and are obtained from . The slow feedback gain can be obtained using the eigenvalue assignment; that is,requiring that the following assumption is satisfied [14].

Assumption 5. The pair is observable.

The fast feedback gain is obtained from the eigenvalue assignment problem; that is,The following observability assumption is needed [14].

Assumption 6. The pair is observable.

The control input in - coordinates is given bywithThe remaining matrices and satisfy the algebraic Sylvester equation represented byThe corresponding block diagram for the observer driven controller is presented in Figure 5.

In Case (V), the measurable states and are parts of the slow state vector and the fast state in the singularly perturbed linear system defined aswhereusing the following partitioning:where dimensions of matrices , , and are, respectively, , , and , with the corresponding dimensions of , , matrices. System (61) with (62)-(63) can be represented aswhere are the measurable states and are the unmeasurable states. and are elements in (62) relevant to the measurable states and and are elements in (62) relevant to the unmeasurable states. The reduced-order observer is given byThe observer gains are obtained fromFor the eigenvalue assignment in , we encounter again the singularly perturbed structure.

The two-stage method provides the parallel observer; we can form the reduced-order observer-based controller given as [1]whereand and are the solution given asThe matrices and satisfy the algebraic Sylvester equation represented byThe transformation is needed to relate both coordinates in which original observer (48) and parallel observer (68) are located; that is,whereMatrices and are obtained from . The slow feedback gain can be obtained from the eigenvalue assignment problem; that is,assuming that the following assumption is satisfied [14].

Assumption 7. The pair is observable.

The fast feedback gain can be obtained from the eigenvalue assignment problem asThe following observability assumption is needed [14].

Assumption 8. The pair is observable.

The control input in the - coordinates is given bywithThe corresponding block diagram for the observer driven controller is presented in Figure 6.

5. Numerical Example for Case I

Consider a 4th-order system with the system matrices , and defined in [1]. The controllability matrix has full rank and therefore the pair is controllable. The results obtained using MATLAB are given below. We locate the feedback system slow eigenvalues at and the feedback system fast eigenvalues at and the reduced-order observer eigenvalues at , given in the previous numerical example. Following the design procedure, the observer matrices , , , , and are given as and the feedback gains are obtained as

6. Numerical Example for Case II

Consider a 4th-order system with the system matrices , and defined in Section 5. We locate the feedback system slow eigenvalues at and the feedback system fast eigenvalues at and the reduced-order observer eigenvalues at , given in the previous numerical example. Following the design procedure, the observer matrices , , , , and are given as and the feedback gains are

7. Numerical Example for Case III

Consider a 4th-order magnetic tape system from Section 5. We locate the feedback system slow eigenvalues at and the feedback system fast eigenvalues at and the slow observer eigenvalues at and the fast observer eigenvalues at , given in the previous numerical example. Following the design procedure, the completely decoupled slow and fast observers in the - coordinates, driven by the system measurements and control inputs, areThe slow and fast controller gains and are obtained as

8. Numerical Example for Case IV

Consider a 4th-order system with the system matrices , and defined in Section 5. We locate the feedback system slow eigenvalues at and the feedback system fast eigenvalues at and the slow observer eigenvalues at and the fast observer eigenvalues at , given in the previous numerical example. Following the design procedure from Section 4, the completely decoupled slow and fast observer in the - coordinates, driven by the system measurements and control inputs, areThe slow and fast controller gains and are obtained as

9. Numerical Example for Case V

Consider a 4th-order system with the system matrices , and defined in Section 5. We locate the feedback system slow eigenvalues at and the feedback system fast eigenvalues at and the slow observer eigenvalues at and the fast observer eigenvalues at , given in the previous numerical example. Following the design procedure, the completely decoupled slow and fast observers in the - coordinates, driven by the system measurements and control inputs, areThe slow and fast controller gains and are obtained as

10. Conclusion

We have designed with high accuracy the reduced-order observer-based controllers for singularly perturbed linear systems. The numerical ill-conditioning of the original problem is removed. We have demonstrated that the full-order singularly perturbed system can be successfully controlled with the state feedback coming from the reduced-order observer-based controllers fully designed on the subsystem levels. The two-stage method is successfully implemented for both the observer and controller designs.


It is well known that the rank condition after scalar multiplication is unchangedIn Case (II), the pair is observable, which implies

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.