Research Article

Practical Benefits of Aspect-Oriented Programming Paradigm in Discrete Event Simulation

Table 1

Comparison between AOP approaches.


Atomic unitAspectSubjectPropagation patternFilter

Coexisting methodologyObject-oriented/components/mutiagentsObject-orientedObject-orientedObject-oriented

Composition mechanismWeaving mechanismComposition rulesWeaving mechanismSuperimposition mechanism

The mechanism used to determine crosscutting concerns injection placesPointcuts specificationLabels specificationTraversal strategies specificationsMatching part of filters

The places of the crosscutting concerns injectionJoin pointsSubject partsTraversal object modelThe implementation part of the CF object after messages intercepting

Implementation languagesAspectJIBM VisualAge C++DemeterJComposeJ

Composition timeCompile time, load time, or run timeDuring the compilationCompile time or run timeCompile time or run time