Research Article

Pareto Optimization of a Half Car Passive Suspension Model Using a Novel Multiobjective Heat Transfer Search Algorithm

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocode of MOHTS algorithm.
Initialize , , CDF, CVF, RF and Rand
Generate randomly in S and evaluate F for the generated
Sort the based on elitist non dominated sort method and find the NDR and fronts
Compute the CD for each front
For to               // MOHTS main loop starts
 For to
  If Rand ≤ 0.3333           // Conduction phase
   Get from equations (5)–(8)
  Else if 0.3333 < Rand ≤ 0.6666       // Radiation phase
   Get from equations (11)–(14)
  Else                 // Convection phase
   Get from equations (9)-(10)
      End if
 End for
 Merge and to create , i.e.   =  P 0    
 For apply the elitist non dominated sort method and find the NDR of the fronts
 Apply the crowding distance for the sorted set of solutions for each objective
 Based on NDR and CD sort in descending order
 Replace with for first members of
End for                  // MOHTS main loop ends