Research Article

Service-Life Study of Polycarbonate Outdoors Using Python with Incomplete Data

Algorithm 1

Input: Training Set ;
   Attribute Set .
Process: Function
01: generate the node
02: if all samples in belong to the same class then
03: sign the node as a leaf node of class; return
04: end if
05: ifor samples in have the same value of then
06: sign the node as a leaf node of the class which the most samples in belong to; return
07: end if
08: select the optimal attribute;
09: for every value of do
10: generate a branch for the node;
   make be a subaggregate of samples in with the value of;
11: ifthen
12: sign the branch node as a leaf node of the class which the most samples in belong to; return
13: else
14: sign as a branch node
15: end if
16: end for
Output: a decision tree with the root node.