Research Article

Service-Life Study of Polycarbonate Outdoors Using Python with Incomplete Data

Table 5

Mean and variance of the importance of the pollutant factors after 100 repetitions of the calculations.

FactorsMean of the 100 resultsVariance of the 100 results

Sulfur dioxide (mg/m3)0.00969447
Hydrogen chloride (mg/m3)0.01319386
Experimental period (month)0.76373876
Nitrogen dioxide (mg/100 cm2·day)0.01498199
Hydrogen sulfide (mg/100 cm2·day)0.00904402
Sulfation rate (mg/100 cm2·day)0.00600798
Ammonia (mg/100 cm2·day)0.01206354
Sea salts (mg/100 cm2·day)0.02162541
Water-soluble dust (g/m2)0.0084063
Non-water-soluble dust (g/m2)0.0059862