
L1 antigen promotes neurite outgrowth from dopaminergic neurons in tissue culture. In the present study, we examined the effects of dopaminergic deafferentation of the striatum on L1 expression. In the medial-periventricular part of the striatum, both complete and partial substantia nigra (SN) lesions decreased L1 expression. Complete lesions increased L1 expression in the dorso-medial and ventrolateral parts of the striatum on the lesioned side when compared with that on the non-lesioned side. The decrease in the ventro-lateral area was maintained in animals examined three months after the lesioning. Animals with partial SN lesions showed a different pattern of altered L1 expression. After frontal cortex lesions, changes in L1 expression also occur preferentially in the dorso-medial and periventricular striatum. Therefore, the results indicate a complex regulation of L1 expression after damage of striatal circuitry, manifested by a preferential occurrence of changes in periventricular regions.