Research Article

Spontaneous Plasticity of Multineuronal Activity Patterns in Activated Hippocampal Networks

Figure 1

Physiologically relevant ionic conditions induce a reversible increase in spontaneous activity of hippocampal CA3 neurons in organotypic cultures. (a) Simultaneous loose patch-clamp recording and time-lapse imaging of somatic calcium signal from a hippocampal CA3 neuron loaded with Oregon green 488 BAPTA-1AM. The timings of action potentials can be reconstructed from the onset timings of individual calcium rise events. (b) Representative example of a change in CA3 network activity following 15-min replacement of normal extracellular solution with pACSF. Each dot represents a single-calcium transient. (c) pACSF-induced change in the percentage of active cells to the total number of cells monitored. (d) pACSF-induced change in the mean event frequency per cell. Open and closed circles indicate group without ( slices, Control) and with pACSF replacement ( slices, pACSF), respectively. Data are means ± SEMs.