Review Article

Dendritic Spines and Development: Towards a Unifying Model of Spinogenesis—A Present Day Review of Cajal's Histological Slides and Drawings

Figure 16

(a) Illustrates a three-dimensional reconstruction, layer III pyramidal cell, “newborn rabbit” according to the label of the Cajal histological preparation, Golgi-method. (b) Magnified parts of (a); 1–5: successive parts of the apical trunk from the soma; 6–10: parts of the oblique dendrites of the apical trunk; 11–20: parts of the basilar dendrites. (c) Magnified basilar dendrite of (a) showing collateral filopodia, protospines, and growth cone filopodia. Filopodia and protospines are color coded in green. (d) Three-dimensional reconstruction, layer III pyramidal cell, “young mouse” according to the label of the Cajal histological preparation, Golgi-method. (e) Magnified parts of (d); 1–5: apical dendrite; 6–10: oblique dendrites; 11–20: basilar dendrites. (f) Magnified basilar dendrite showing different types of dendritic spines, protospines, and filopodia.