Review Article

Reactivation, Replay, and Preplay: How It Might All Fit Together

Figure 1

The dynamics of offline sequential activity (OSA) as a function of exposure. This schematic summarizes the results of many reactivation studies in novel and familiar environments. (a) The number of OSA within a day increases with the length of exposure (solid line segments). At the same time, the level of OSA decreases across days as the animal becomes familiar with a novel environment (dashed line). Δ 𝑟 represents the amount of intrinsic OSA ( Δ 𝑟 = 0 implies that OSA are purely reactivation of prior sensory-driven sequences). The grey-shaded regions are compressed, and the dynamics within these regions is omitted here for clarity. They are shown in the next panel. (b) Dynamics of OSA within one day. The solid lines are based on experimental observations. The dashed lines represent different hypotheses about the unknown dynamics of OSA between the end of the exposure and the beginning of the sleep phase.