Research Article

Increases in Doublecortin Immunoreactivity in the Dentate Gyrus following Extinction of Heroin-Seeking Behavior

Figure 2

Extinction training increases DCX immunoreactivity in the DG following heroin self-administration (Experiment 1). (a) Active and (b) inactive lever presses during heroin self-administration and extinction. Animals undergoing extinction ( ) were subjected to 10 days of extinction training following the last day of heroin self-administration, while animals undergoing forced abstinence ( ) remained in the home cage. versus the average of the last two days of heroin self-administration. (c) and (d) Representative DCX immunostaining at 400x magnification in the DG (~3.8 mm posterior to bregma) from animals subjected to extinction (c) or abstinence (d). Scale bar = 35 μm. (e) Quantification of DCX immunoreactivity along the DG neuraxis in a subset of animals subjected to extinction or abstinence ( per group). versus the abstinence group at the same coronal plane relative to bregma.