Research Article

Structural Brain Changes Following Left Temporal Low-Frequency rTMS in Patients with Subjective Tinnitus

Table 1

Demographical data and clinical characteristics for both independent subgroups.

VBM data at baseline, day 12, and day 90
( )
VBM data at baseline and day 12
( )
Group comparison

Gender32 m (78%)
9 f (22%)
27 m (75%)
9 f (25%)
(1.77) = 0.100.752
Age (years) (75) = −0.020.983
Tinnitus laterality10% right
15% left
75% bilateral
14% right
14% left
72% bilateral
(2.77) = 0.320.853
Tinnitus duration (years) (75) = 0.800.427
TQ (baseline) (75) = −0.720.476
Loudness (baseline) (75) = 0.670.441
Mean hearing threshold [dB HL]
( )

( )
(55) = 0.810.421
Hyperacusis51% ( )68% ( ) (2.61) = 2.310.316

TQ: Tinnitus Questionnaire.
Loudness: how STRONG or LOUD is tinnitus at present (0 not at all, 10 extremely strong or loud).
Mean hearing threshold: average of all thresholds measured bilaterally ranging from 125 Hz to 8 kHz).