Research Article

Effect of the Entorhinal Cortex on Ictal Discharges in Low-Mg2+-Induced Epileptic Hippocampal Slice Models

Figure 3

Initiation and propagation of interictal and ictal discharges in the hippocampal area of the combined EC-hippocampal slices. (a) An image of an example of a combined slice mounted on MEA. (b) Contour plot of averaged time delays of the FP relative to signals of electrode number 85. The and coordinates denote the positions of electrodes. (c) Contour plot of averaged time delays of the FP relative to signals of electrode number 25. (d) Averaged propagation speeds of interictal discharges and ictal discharges in the combined slices. antero: anterograde propagation speed; retro: retrograde propagation speed ( , ANOVA, ).