Research Article

Involvement of Thalamus in Initiation of Epileptic Seizures Induced by Pilocarpine in Mice

Figure 6

Peri-ictal coupling dynamics between hippocampus and thalamus. (a) Time course of directionality index ( ) between hippocampus and thalamus during the epileptic seizures in 9 mice. The upper two traces show the averaged LFPs from hippocampus and thalamus. The lower trace shows the averaged . The red line indicates the seizure onset time. (b) Time periods’ definition. We divided the Sz period into three parts. The first part is the initiation period of seizure (IS), containing one-fifth of the time course of seizure from the seizure onset. The third part is the end of seizure (ES), containing one-fifth of the time course of seizure immediately before the termination of seizure. The second part is the middle part of the seizure (MS) between the first and the third part. (c) Percentages of coupling direction “hippocampus → thalamus” and “thalamus → hippocampus” during the initiation period of seizure (IS). The black solid line marks the threshold of 50%. Hipp, hippocampus; Tha, thalamus.