Research Article

Involvement of Thalamus in Initiation of Epileptic Seizures Induced by Pilocarpine in Mice

Figure 7

Seizures affected by the TTX injection in thalamus. (a) LFPs from hippocampus and thalamus and the averaged directionality index ( ) between the two brain areas before and after the injection of TTX into thalamus. (b) The power spectral density of the LFPs in hippocampus (shadowed areas in (a)). (c) 60-second samples from each trace in (a) (the shadowed areas). (d) LFPs from hippocampus and thalamus and averaged directionality index ( ) between the two brain areas before and after the injection of normal saline into thalamus in a control mouse. (e) The power spectral density of the LFPs in hippocampus (shadowed areas in (d)). (f) 60-second samples from each trace in (d) (the shadowed areas). Hipp, hippocampus; Tha, thalamus.