Research Article

Altered Recruitment of the Attention Network Is Associated with Disability and Cognitive Impairment in Pediatric Patients with Acquired Brain Injury

Table 2

Brain regions significantly activated/deactivated during fMRI with the modified Conners Continuous Performance Test (CCPT) task (average and load conditions) in healthy controls and patients with acquired brain injury (ABI) (one-sample -test, ).

Group ContrastBrain regionsSideBAMNI space coordinatesCluster extent values


Healthy controlsAverage activationSPLR4062 −44 4817420.0
SMAL6/24−34 2 425213.1
MFGR10/44/4850 16 201078.2
MFGL46−38 36 32485.5
IFGR44/4834 20 365188.2
MTGL37−48 −66 6108.0
Vermis IV-V2 −46 −85017.8
Cerebellum, crus IL−44 −62 −28227.0
Thalamus L−8 −7 13224.1
Insula R4842 15 −41745.79

Healthy controlsLoad activationCalcarine cortex/ITG R17/37/1914 −88 0411429.3
FFG/MOG L19−46 −64 −16263625.5
MFGR46/4744 56 −41137.9
IPL L7−32 −56 507911.1
Insula R4834 24 8273.37
Lingual gyrusR274 −32 −2467.3
Cerebellum, crus IIL−6 −84 −36669.2

ABI patientsAverage activationSPLR4052 −48 40714.3
SMAL/R612 10 52394610.5
MFG R4636 38 286106.8
IFG/putamenR47/4840 26 623097.7
MTG/STGL/R21/42/4850 −48 43815.4
Vermis IV-V-VI/0 −48 −10279210.6
Cerebellum, crus IL−36 −64 −32
ThalamusL−18 −14 125526.9
InsulaL48−34 14 1212626.0

ABI patientsLoad activationMOGR18/1934 −86 10207011.0
MOGL18/19−28 −92 812679.8
IPLL7−28 −56 482146.0
SMAL6−6 8 5010818.0
Precentral gyrusL6−44 −6 5216617.2
MFGR10/4636 50 224886.2
InsulaR4736 14 10244.4
CerebellumL−34 −76 −225008.8


Average activationMOGL19−30 −80 288608.1
PrecuneusL5−8 −46 58163.9
Fusiform gyrusL37−28 −34 −226275.6
Orbital IFGL47−50 40 −21205.0

Load activationPrecuneusL/R3012 −46 46217121.7
SFGL10−16 60 20122927.8
PCC3012 −52 1625615.9
STGR4844 −12 21507.9
MTGL21−48 −68 202986.5
InsulaL48−36 −18 4386.6

ABI patientsAverage activationSFGL10−6 38 54744.0
Precuneus/MCCL7−8 −60 5466027.8
STG/MTGR2260 −4 102064.2
MOGL18−30 −92 45134.8
MFGL/R108 60 −24856.0

ABI patientsLoad activationSTGR4846 −12 6219515.4
PrecuneusL/R30−10 −42 58151911.3
Postcentral gyrus L48−52 −10 1866711.1
SFGL/R8/10/11−20 16 −144263.6
PCC−10 −40 382617.5
InsulaL48−26 12 −144283.6

R = right; L = left; BA = Brodmann Area; FFG = fusiform gyrus; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; IOG = inferior occipital gyrus; MOG = middle occipital gyrus; IPL = inferior parietal lobule; SPL = superior parietal lobule; MFG = middle frontal gyrus; MOG = middle occipital gyrus; ITG = inferior temporal gyrus; MTG = middle temporal gyrus; SMA = supplementary motor area; STG = superior temporal gyrus; MCC = middle cingulate cortex; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex.
, familywise error (FWE) corrected for multiple comparisons.