Research Article

Development and Structural Variety of the Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans-Contained Extracellular Matrix in the Mouse Brain

Figure 1

WFA-stained ECM in the developing cortex. (a–j) Low- (a–e) and high- (f–j) power images of WFA staining at P3 (a, f), P7 (b, g), P14 (c, h), P21 (d, i), and 5 w (e, j). Rectangular areas in (a) and (b) indicate the magnified areas shown in (f) and (g), respectively. High-power images (g–j) obtained from cortical IV layer of the S1BF. Dotted lines indicate the border between the S1BF and the S1FL. Accumulation of WFA reactivity around particular cell bodies was observed from P7 onward. WFA reactivity clearly surrounding both cell bodies and dendrites was observed from 5 w onward. (k) WFA-labeled serial coronal sections at P7, indicating that PNN-like WFA reactivity was observed in the S1BF, whereas any other regions indicated did not show PNN-like staining. Au1: primary auditory cortex; Cg: cingulate cortex; M1: primary motor cortex; M2: secondary motor cortex; PrL: prelimbic cortex; RSG: retrosplenial granular cortex; S1: primary sensory cortex; S1BF: barrel field of the primary somatosensory cortex; S1FL: forelimb primary somatosensory cortex; V1: primary visual cortex; V2L: lateral area of the secondary visual cortex; V2ML: mediolateral area of the secondary visual cortex; V2MM: mediomedial area of the secondary visual cortex. Scale bars = 500 (a–e), 50 (f–j), and 1000 (k) μm.