Research Article

Development and Structural Variety of the Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans-Contained Extracellular Matrix in the Mouse Brain

Figure 2

WFA-stained ECM in the developing hippocampus. (a–e) WFA-labeled images at P3 (a), P7 (B), P14 (c), P21 (d), and 5 w (e). PNN-like WFA reactivity was observed from P14 onward. (f–m) Higher magnification images of the CA1 (f–i) and CA2 (j–m) at P14 (f, j), P21 (g, k), 5 w (h, l), and 11 w (i, m). Diffuse PNN-like staining was observed in the CA1 at P14, which gradually surrounded cell bodies and dendrites from P21 onward. WFA reactivity in the CA2 from P21 onward was strong and showed a complex staining manner. Cx: cerebral cortex. Scale bars = 500 (a–e) and 50 (f–m) μm.