Research Article

Development and Structural Variety of the Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans-Contained Extracellular Matrix in the Mouse Brain

Figure 4

WFA-stained ECM in the developing hypothalamus. (a–i) WFA-labeled images in the PVN (a–c), LH (d–f), and VMH/Arc (g–i) at P21 (a, d, g), 5 w (b, e, h), and 11 w (c, f, i). Ambiguous PNN-like staining (arrows) was observed in the PVN at P21, which became gradually clear over 5 w to 11 w. PNN-like staining was observed at P21 in the LH, which became clearer at 5 w and 11 w. In all stages shown, WFA reactivity in the VMH was diffuse, while that of the Arc was dense, particularly in its ventral portion neighboring the ME. (j–n) Higher magnification images of WFA labeling at 11 w in the PVN (j), VMH (k), Arc (l), LH (M), and LPO (n). PNN structures in the PVN showed a diffuse manner, while those of the LH and LPO clearly surrounded cell bodies and dendrites. In the VMH and Arc, WFA reactivity did not surround dendrites. Arc: arcuate nucleus; LH: lateral hypothalamus; LPO: lateral preoptic area; ME: median eminence; PVN: paraventricular nucleus; VMH: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Scale bars = 100 (a–f), 400 (g–i), and 40 (j–n) μm.