Research Article

Development and Structural Variety of the Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans-Contained Extracellular Matrix in the Mouse Brain

Table 1

The beginning periods of PNN formation in the developing brain. “†” indicates the periods that immature PNNs could be first detected. Asterisks () indicate brain regions not having typical PNN forms and “‡” in these regions indicates the period that WFA signals were first detected. “” in the bottom rows shows known critical periods and their references in brackets.

P3P7P9P14P215 W11 W

Prefrontal cortex
 Frontal association (FrA)
 Orbital, medial (MO)
 Orbital, ventral and lateral (VO, LO)
 Prelimbic (PrL)
Sensorimotor cortex
 Auditory, primary (Au1)
 Motor, primary (M1)
 Motor, secondary (M2)
 Piriform cortex (Pir)
 Somatosensory, primary (S1)
 Somatosensory, primary, barrel field (S1BF)
 Somatosensory, secondary (S2)
 Visual, primary (V1)
 Visual, secondary, and lateral (V2L)
 Visual, secondary, and mediolateral (V2ML)
 Visual, secondary, and mediomedial (V2MM)
Cingulate gyrus
 Anterior cingulate (Cg)
 Posterior cingulate (retrosplenial dysgranular) (RSG)
Basal ganglia
 Caudate putamen (CPu)
 Ventral pallidum (VP)
 Habenular nucleus, lateral (LHb)
 Reticular thalamic nucleus (Rt)
 Zona incerta (ZI)
 Arcuate nucleus
 Lateral hypothalamus (LH)
 Lateral preoptic area (LPO)
 Lateral mammillary nucleus (LM)
 Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH)
 Paraventricular nucleus, anterior (aPVN)
Limbic system
 Amygdala, basolateral (BLA)
 Amygdala, central (Ce)
 Amygdala, medial (MA)
 Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST)
 Hippocampus, CA1 (CA1)
 Hippocampus, CA2 (CA2)
 Hippocampus, CA3 (CA3)
 Hippocampus, dentate gyrus (DG)
 Septum, lateral (LS)
 Septum, medial (MS)
Brain stem
 Anterior pretectal nucleus (APT)
 Gigantocellular reticular nucleus (Gi)
 Inferior colliculus (IC)
 Interstitial nucleus of Cajal (InC)
 Mesencephalic reticular formation (mRt)
 Paratrochlear nucleus (Pa4)
 Pontine reticular nucleus, oral (PnO)
 Precuneiform area (prCnF)
 Red nucleus (RN)
 Substantia nigra (SN)
 Superior colliculus
 Spinal trigeminal nucleus (Sp5)
 Ventral tegmental area (VTA)
 Vestibular nuclei (Ve)
Critical period
 Whisker-barrel formation [22]<P7
 Neuromuscular junction [22]<P12
 Stress-hyporesponsive period (HPA axis) [26, 27]<P14
 Stress/anxiety [22]<P21
 Erasable fear memory [32]<P21
 Orientation bias [22]<4 w
 Ocular dominance [22] <5 w