Research Article

Full Anatomical Recovery of the Dopaminergic System after a Complete Spinal Cord Injury in Lampreys

Figure 6

D2 in situ profile numbers do not change after a complete spinal cord injury. (a) Quantification of D2 profiles in the rostral spinal cord. (b) Quantification of D2 profiles in the caudal spinal cord. (c) Photomicrograph showing the D2 receptor expression in the spinal cord of a control larva. (d) Photomicrograph showing the D2 receptor expression in the rostral spinal cord of a 2 wpl larva. (e) Photomicrograph of the D2 receptor expression in the caudal spinal cord of a 2 wpl larva. In all microphotographs dorsal is at the top. Scale bars = 50 μm.