Research Article

Plasticity-Related PKMζ Signaling in the Insular Cortex Is Involved in the Modulation of Neuropathic Pain after Nerve Injury

Figure 2

Fluorescence images of zif268 expression in the IC of nerve-injured and sham groups. (a) The sham group showed little expression of zif268-positive cells, unlike the nerve-injured group. (b) NeuN, a neuronal marker (red), was expressed in the sham group. (c) Colocalization of zif268 (green) and NeuN (red) is observed in the sham group. (d) In the nerve-injured group, the distribution of zif268 expression (green) was denser than in the sham group. (e) As in (b), NeuN was expressed in the nerve-injured group. (f) As in (c), colocalization of zif268 (green) and NeuN (red) is observed in the nerve-injured group. Scale bar, 50 μm.