Research Article

The MMP-1/PAR-1 Axis Enhances Proliferation and Neuronal Differentiation of Adult Hippocampal Neural Progenitor Cells

Figure 3

MMP-1 tg-associated changes in aNPC proliferation and differentiation are PAR-1 dependent. (a) Western blot analysis for PAR-1 expression in hippocampal (HP) and WT aNPC lysates. A single band at the expected molecular weight (46 kDa) is detected. (b) Effect of an MMP inhibitor on the proliferation rate of WT and tg cultures. 8 μM MMP inhibitor II (MMPi) significantly reduced aNPC proliferation in tg cultures at 24 h time point and in both WT and tg cultures at 48 h (; ANOVA) (b). (c) Effect of a PAR-1 antagonist on the proliferation of WT and tg cultures. 1 μM BMS-200261 (BMS) reduced proliferation of aNPCs from MMP-1 tg animal. (d) Effect of the PAR-1 antagonist on the neuronal and nonneuronal differentiation of WT and tg cultures. BMS (1 μM) significantly reduced enhanced neuronal differentiation and counteracted reduction in NG2+ cells in tg cultures (; ANOVA).