Research Article

Sensory Deprivation during Early Postnatal Period Alters the Density of Interneurons in the Mouse Prefrontal Cortex

Figure 3

Effects of sensory deprivation on the appearance of PV neurons in the barrel cortex and primary visual cortex. Coronal sections of the barrel cortex (a) and visual cortex (b) stained with anti-PV antibody at P28 are shown. Upper side is the pial surface. Intact: intact control, trim: whisker trimming, dark: dark rearing, and trim + dark: whisker trimming plus dark rearing. Scale bars = 100 μm (applies to (a), (b)). Changes of the density of PV neurons in each layer of the barrel cortex (c) and visual cortex (d) at P28. Whisker trimming decreased PV neurons in L4 of the barrel cortex. Dark rearing increased PV neurons in L2/3 and L4 of visual cortex. Data are expressed as mean density S.E.M. ( per group). Abbreviations are the same as in (a) and (b). compared with intact mice.