Research Article

Neural Network of Predictive Motor Timing in the Context of Gender Differences

Table 1

Anatomical localization of clusters in the activation analysis (threshold of , FEW-corrected). Data provided for the main effect of hit versus miss, the effect of speed, and the gender differences.

Anatomical regionsBrodmann area/lobules in cerebellumSideVolume (in voxels) value (FWE)-score of local maxMNI coordinates of local maxima

Hit > miss
Occipital lobe BA 18-19R433<0.0018.7527−91−8
BA 18-19L174<0.0016.68−39−76−11
Putamen, caudateR63<0.0016.052111−5
Putamen, caudateL80<0.0015.81−248−2
Cerebellum Lobule VI, crus 1R48<0.0015.5536−76−20

Anatomical regionsBrodmann area/lobules in cerebellumSideVolume (in voxels) value (FWE)-score of local maxMNI coordinates of local maxima

Main effect of speed
CerebellumVermis 6, vermis 7
Lobule VI, crus 1
Middle temporal gyrusBA 37R94<0.00136.8245−671
BA 37L161<0.00134.73−48−704
Occipital lobeBA 18-19L536<0.00135.02−12−1001
Precentral gyrusBA 6L36<0.00124.35−30−1058

Anatomical regionsBrodmann area/lobules in cerebellumSideVolume (in voxels) value (FWE)-score of local maxMNI coordinates of local maxima

Female > male
Middle temporal gyrusBA 39L35<0.0017.48−48−7922
CerebellumLobule IV-VL47<0.0017.36−9−49−2
Lobule VIII, IX, IV-VL430<0.0017.36−21−43−44
Lobule VIII, VII, VIR227<0.0016.7615−70−38
Middle temporal gyrusL350.0015.59−36−52−2

Male > female
Middle temporal gyrusBA 21L40<0.0017.17−66−25−2
Inferior frontal gyrusBA 45L48<0.0015.94−5126−8

BA = Brodmann area, L = left, R = right, C = central, and BIL = bilateral.