Research Article

Differential DNA Methylation of MicroRNA Genes in Temporal Cortex from Alzheimer’s Disease Individuals

Figure 2

Box plots of DNA methylation level of microRNA genes found to be hypermethylated in Alzheimer’s disease brains. The 10 hypermethylated CpG sites encompassing microRNA genes are presented (a–j). Mann-Whitney test, , . Beta values are displayed as means ± SEM.
(a) MIR34B/C
(b) MIR9-1
(c) MIR34A
(d) MIR125B1
(e) MIR34C
(f) MIR124-1
(g) MIR146B
(h) MIR181C/D
(i) MIR9-3
(j) MIR451; MIR144