Research Article

Effects of Patterned Sound Deprivation on Short- and Long-Term Plasticity in the Rat Thalamocortical Auditory System In Vivo

Figure 2

Amplitude of the first (a) and second (b) peak of fPSPs recorded in A1 of rats reared under WN () and age-matched controls () following MGN stimulation. TBS (indicated by arrows) of the MGN resulted in significant increases in the amplitude of both fPSP peaks in the two groups of animals. (a) For the first fPSP peak, rats reared in WN showed significantly more LTP than controls. ANOVA results for (a): effect of time, F(3.57, 121.25) = 43.9, ; effect of rearing condition, F(1, 34) = 12.2, ; effect of time by condition interaction, F(3.57, 121.25) = 7.9, ; indicates significant simple effects, . (b) Rearing under WN did not significantly enhance LTP of the second fPSP peak. ANOVA results for (b): effect of time, F(4.88, 165.88) = 21.4, ; no effect of condition, F(1, 34) = 2.0, ; no effect of time by condition interaction, F(4.88, 165.88) = 1.3, .