Research Article

Prismatic Adaptation Induces Plastic Changes onto Spatial and Temporal Domains in Near and Far Space

Figure 1

Graphical representation of sequence of events in each trial for the two tasks. (a) Landmark task. Following 750 ms presentation of a blank, pretransected lines were presented for 2000 ms before reappearance of the blank on the screen until the subject responded. Lines were pretransected at 1 of 11 locations ranging symmetrically from −0.5° to +0.5° of visual angle (distance between transector locations = 0.1°) and including veridical center. After the participant’s response (the transector is closer to the “right” or to the “left”), a black-and-white patterned mask was presented at random duration (range 500–1500 ms) before the next trial was presented. (b) Time bisection task. Following 750 ms presentation of a blank, pretransected lines were presented before reappearance of the blank until the subject responded. Lines were pretransected at veridical center and had 1 of 11 different duration ranging from 1000 to 3000 ms at 200 ms intervals. After the participant’s response (the duration of the line is “short” or “long”), a black-and-white patterned mask was presented for a random duration (range 500–1500 ms) before the next trial.
(a) Landmark task
(b) Time bisection task