Review Article

Role of MicroRNA in Governing Synaptic Plasticity

Table 1

Involvement of miRNA in synaptic plasticity.

miRNATargetPlasticity paradigmReferences

miRNA-132Regulated by CREB in activity-induced synaptic morphology, protein synthesis, and plasticity[24, 25]
p-CREBDendritic plasticity in TLE[26]
MFSDendrites morphology of CA3 region in spontaneous recurrent seizures[27]
Regulated by CREB in dendritic spine density and structure adaptation required for cognition capacity[23, 28, 29]
GRModulated by BDNF in synaptic formation and postsynaptic protein[24, 30]
Maturation of neuron and synapse in developing hippocampus[31]
p250GAPRGC axonal sprouting and growth [34]
p250GAPActivity-induced hippocampal dendrite spine morphogenesis and mEPSC and GluR1 positive spines[35, 36]
AChEStressful experiences induced neurite extension in cognitive and locomotion impairments[37]
Rac1Synaptic actin-remodeling and spine morphological alteration in ionizing radiation[38]
p250GAPAbnormal synaptogenesis and incorrect synaptic connectivity and function in PCB95 neurotoxicity[40]
p250GAPFormation of stable dendritic spines and functional synapses in hippocampus[39]
MeCP2Synaptic density and maturation in novel object recognition and memory retention[4244]
MeCP2Synaptic plasticity in RTT[46, 48]
MeCP2Synaptic function in acute pain transduction and chronic pain formation[47]
Synaptic protein synthesis and dendritic spine structure related to FMRP[49, 51]
AMPARNeocortical θ burst-induced LTP and hippocampal synaptic transmission and plasticity[56]
IL-6, TSLPDendritic phenotype and synaptic formation in newborn neurons activity[57, 58]
Ocular dominance and visual cortex plasticity[6062]
Modulated by REST/NRSF in synaptic plasticity and structural remodeling[59]

miRNA-134Regulated by SIRT1 in hippocampal LTP and long-term memory formation required for fear conditioning[64]
Regulated by DHX36 in plasticity-related genes and modification of dendritic spine size[63]
Pumilio2Activity-induced hippocampal dendritic growth and excitatory synapse number[65]
Limk1Dendritic spine size of neuron in vitro and dendritic arborization of cortical layer V pyramidal neurons in vivo[66, 67]
Limk1Pyramidal neuron spine density in TLE[74]
DHHC9Neuronal membrane trafficking and synaptic LTP and structure in specific interneurons by modification of H-Ras[72]
CREB Synaptic plasticity in epileptic rat[76]

miRNA-138APT1Dendritic spine size and synaptic transmission[77]
Episodic memory performance[79]
APT1Synaptic protein synthesis in short-term recognition memory[80]
SIRT1Axon growth in development and regeneration[81]

miRNA-9RESTDendrites growth and synaptic transmission[82]
FOXG1Affected by DLX5 in axon elongation and synaptic connectivity[83]
CAMKK2Synaptotoxicity and dendritic spine loss in AD [89]
RhoGDendritic tree complexity and axonal branching [93, 94]

miRNA-124CREBLTF in learning-related synaptic plasticity[92]
IQGAP1Hippocampal LTP, long-term memory, and cognitive performance[96, 97]
AMPARHippocampal demyelination and memory performance[98]
BDNFCocaine-induced plasticity and addiction[99]

miRNA-125aPSD-95Synaptic strength and dendritic spine stabilization[100, 101]
GluRSynaptic plasticity-related protein synthesis[101, 103]

miRNA-125bTauLTD and cognitive performance in AD[105]
SYN-2Synaptic vesicles trafficking in neuronal circuitry[104]

miRNA-188Nrp-2Dendritic spine development, synaptic structure, and mEPSC frequency[108]
BACE1Regulated by 2-AG in hippocampal LTP, synaptic transmission, and cognitive function[109]

miRNA-8FasIII, NrgAssembly of synaptic sites at early stages of synaptic formation[110]
Ena/VASPPresynaptic morphological modification at late stages of synaptic development[111]

miRNA-15aBDNFRegulated by MeCP2 in hippocampal dendritic branching and complexity[112]

miRNA-19bPTENSynaptic development and synaptic protein synthesis[113]

miRNA-22CPEBMemory-related long-term synaptic plasticity[114]

miRNA-26aPTENSynaptic plasticity and neuronal morphogenesis[116]
RSK3Long-lasting synaptic and spine plasticity[115]

miRNA-29a/bArpc3Dendritic spine actin cytoskeleton remodeling and synaptic connectivity[117]

miRNA-34aStx-1A, Syt-1 Regulated by Tap73 in dendritic spine morphology and synaptic function and plasticity[118, 119]
ArcLTP, LTD, and adaptive synaptic plasticity[120]

miRNA-128PHF6Dendritic arborization and intrinsic excitability of upper layer cortical neurons[121]

miRNA-137Mib1Dendritic patterning and spine morphogenesis[122]

miRNA-182Rac1, cortactinLong-lasting functional and structural plasticity[123]

miRNA-191Tmod2Actin depolymerization in long-lasting dendritic spine remodeling[124]

miRNA-135Complexin-1/2AMPAR exocytosis in prolonged spine structuring[124]

Abbreviations in the table were illustrated in the text.