Research Article

MicroRNA-132 Interact with p250GAP/Cdc42 Pathway in the Hippocampal Neuronal Culture Model of Acquired Epilepsy and Associated with Epileptogenesis Process

Figure 4

Representative trace of AP in cultured hippocampal neurons. Cultured hippocampal neurons were separately transfected at DIV7 with Scr-132, ant-132, ant-132+LV-GFP, and ant-132+LV-shp250GAP and then treated with MGF medium at DIV10. AP frequency was tested 24 h after the MGF treatment. (a1) Representative recordings of non-MGF medium-treated neurons (control). (a2) Representative recordings of MGF medium-treated neurons. (a3–a6) Representative recordings of MGF medium-treated neurons separately after Scr-132, ant-132, ant-132+LV-GFP, and ant-132+LV-shp250GAP transfection. (b) Statistical analysis of AP frequencies. , , and (; the data are representative of 5 experiments).